🚫 Avoid multiple boolean parameters

In This Weeks Edition: Avoid boolean pitfalls, compare Parallel.ForEachAsync() vs. Task.Run(), EF Core 8 SQL mapping, .NET 9 vision, GitHub Actions in Visual Studio, ASP.NET Core metrics, Google Sheets in C#.

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In this blog post, discover the pitfalls of using multiple boolean parameters in C# .NET functions. The author highlights the challenges of understanding and maintaining code with multiple boolean combinations and provides insights into effective refactoring strategies, emphasizing the importance of clear, expressive methods or alternative approaches like using enums.

Learn about parallel programming in C# comparing Parallel.ForEachAsync() and Task.Run() with When.All, exploring their behavior under the hood, and the pros and cons of each. Discover the best approach for CPU-bound and I/O-bound tasks, ensuring efficient concurrency and scalability. Code samples and practical insights provided.

Discover how EF Core 8 allows you to map SQL results to any .NET object, providing Dapper-like functionality with the strengths of EF Core for improved performance and code optimization.

.NET 9 envisions a future with significant investments in cloud-native and intelligent app development, focusing on performance, productivity, and security. The release includes improvements for cloud-native developers, enhanced tools in Visual Studio, and a commitment to advancing AI integration for a more intelligent application development experience.

Dive into a comprehensive overview of LINQ with fresh insights and enhancements for developers navigating .NET 9 functionalities.

Explore the new GitHub Actions for Visual Studio extension, seamlessly integrating into Visual Studio 2022. Effortlessly monitor and manage GitHub Actions, navigate workflows, check runs, and handle secrets – all within your IDE. Enhance your CI/CD experience without leaving Visual Studio.

Explore the latest in ASP.NET Core metrics and Grafana dashboards with .NET 8. Discover over a dozen metrics, including HTTP request counts, route matching results, and more. Utilize tools like the .NET Aspire dashboard and Grafana to monitor app health, trigger alerts, and build customizable, real-time views.

Unlock the power of Google Sheets in C#! Learn how to access Google Sheets from Google Drive using C# and .NET. This article guides you through setting up your environment, authenticating with Google Cloud Console, and implementing Google Drive and Google Sheets in C#. Find answers to FAQs and optimize your performance for future considerations.

Explore the world of Windows named pipes in ASP.NET Core as a powerful tool for inter-process communication. Learn their advantages, scenarios for use, and discover how ASP.NET Core simplifies named pipe server creation in .NET 8, along with configuring HttpClient to seamlessly interact with named pipe servers.

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